migrant workers : "they treat us like stray dogs"


The coronavirus pandemic has left many of India’s migrant labourers without jobs, food, or a way to get home. Following this, many of them and their families went hungry. Thousands of them then began walking back home, with no means of transport due to the lockdown.

If you have other ways to help or petitions to add on any topic, please dm me on instagram

petitions are only the first step in taking action, but as a minor i personally can’t donate so, we should turn our attention to signing petitions. I've signed 90+ petitions over the past week. it took me 2 minutes at most to sign 10 in one sitting. there are no excuses for not signing these petitions. it’s not hard.

Let’s support organisations working on the ground to provide COVID-19 relief and aid! Contribute to any of the below fundraisers to support India’s fight against the coronavirus and help the less privileged during this lockdown.